Stock Photos and Graphics

FotoFinish contains hundreds of stock images that you can use for creating Web pages, backgrounds, composites, and all kinds of graphics projects. You can find these photos in the green Stock Images folders  in the Image Explorer.

Within the Stock Images folder is a special subcategory called Stock Graphics. Most of these graphics have transparent backgrounds.  If you drag one of these graphics into your currently open image, it will lie on top while leaving the rest of the image visible underneath.  You can then move the stock graphic by dragging it across your image, or rotate it by grabbing the small circular rotation handle on the edge of the graphic with your mouse.

A stock graphic laid on top of a photo

Note: If you double-click on one of these stock graphics (instead of dragging it to the work area) it will open in its own separate window.

Within Stock Graphics is a special category called Clip Art.  The clip art images have transparent backgrounds, and they can be rotated and moved like the other stock graphics.  But they also have the special property of being resizable.  You can stretch or shrink the clip art images after laying them on top of your currently open photo.  To resize the image, grab the square handles that surround it, and drag them. To keep the image in its original proportions, hold the Ctrl key while dragging on the handles. 

The stock graphics allow you to create sophisticated composite images without having to laboriously crop photo objects or clip art out of their backgrounds.

Note: You can also overlay a standard image file (such as a BMP or JPG) on top of another image by holding Ctrl while you drag it from the Image Explorer into the currently open image.  If the overlaid image is smaller, it will appear on top of the background image.  If larger, it will obscure the background image, but the background image is still present underneath.